Our Core Values

We acknowledge your child as an intuitive, intelligent and wildly fun being who is navigating this unpredictable world.

01 —Respect

Respectful play allows a child’s individual spirit to flourish. Understanding that each child has their own way of doing and being in this world, is vital to supporting their little hearts. We encourage child-led experiences and autonomous play wherever possible and respect the ideas and suggestions from each child. In the words of Child Psychologist and Respectful play expert, Magda Gerber,“Do Less, Observe More, Enjoy Most”

02 — Acknowledge

Acknowledgment is key to building any relationship. We understand that children are being courageous everyday by learning new things, facing adversity and stepping into the unknown. We acknowledge that being a kid is full on sometimes, so we guide them, hold them and be that confident yet gentle leader in their life. Tuning into each child is a skill and we bring that with us.

03 — Connect

Connection adds value to life. When we connect with you and your children we are present, focused and engaged. Whether it’s through communicating, making, creating, exploring through nature, teaching age appropriate learning skills, mindfulness practices, we believe that connection is one of the most important things we can offer.

04 — Nature

Nature is at the core of our being. It goes hand in hand with connection. When we feel connected to nature we feel more connected to ourselves. We encourage children to play, touch and experience nature through different activities and with the hope to inspire children to get in touch with nature, it’s rhythm and above all things, take good care of it.

05 — Mindfulness

We believe that mindful living equates to a meaningful life. And a meaningful life is surely something we want to create. We make sure that when we’re with your children we listen, witness and hold them in whatever is showing up for them on that day. Being mindful of our energy and what we are bringing into the space.

We believe that children have innate abilities from the very first moment they begin life.

One generation full of deeply loving parents would change the brain of the next generation, and with that, the world
— Charles Raison
One generation full of deeply loving NANNY’S would change the brain of the next generation, and with that, the world

How We Use Our Approach!
Examples of 3 individual spirits

Mable is 2 years old She is quiet, introverted and has never been left with anyone she doesn’t know. She is reserved when she first meets her new nanny and upset when her parents leave. She takes a while to warm up to anyone new.

As a holistic nanny, we make sure that Mable feels safe first by getting down to her level, reading her energy and actioning what is needed. We validate her feelings by telling her that “I understand that you would be upset when your parents leave. It is really hard. I get that”.  We say this with our hearts. We remind her that she is safe and if she needs us we will be just over here, respecting her needs at that moment. There is no pressure or no force for her to like us. For those first few sessions, we learn what makes her heart sing and where she likes us to be.

Johnny is 4 years old. He is an energetic kid. He likes to move and run as much as he can throughout the day. He wants to be outside most of the time and is a complete risk-taker when climbing trees. 

If Johnny wants to be outside, then we are outside too! We believe that nature is the cure for restlessness. When he climbs trees we have full trust that Johnny knows what he is doing. If any danger is present we intervene but we believe that children are intuitive beings and if it feels unsafe they’ll let us know. We accept Johnny for all that he is and encourage self-exploration and safe risk-taking.

Jasper loves to play in the dirt, get messy and run around in the nude. He is a lot of fun. He is two years old but doesn’t like to sleep, but probably needs one. He is a fussy eater and only eats toast. 

We know that Jasper loves to get dirty, so we create a mud pile for him to play in. We believe that child-led experiences supports children’s creativity, exploration and sense of self. He enjoys being nude, so we take his clothes off and let him run and play. We try to encourage sleep or rest time with a book, some quiet meditation games or some quiet craft. We give Jasper the choice of food in the fridge to eat. We understand that sometimes food choice supports eating habits. We bake with him to encourage a connection with food. But, if Jasper will only eat toast then we give him toast! 

Our Mini-Workshops Series for Nannies

01 — In the Beginning- everything you need to know

02 — Grans, Nonna’s & Nans - workshop on bug emotions

03 — How to approach big feelings and why they exist

04 — Kid Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness

Our care approach fosters connection, respect and acknowledgment for children on a deeper level